Deflationary mechanisms
We have created a system for a sustainable growth of the token price
8F AI is running on the BNB Chain, which is the most popular Chain among gamers. Max. circulating supply of 8F tokens is 888 888 888 pcs. They are 100% pre-minted, it is impossible to mint new tokens.
8F AI tokenomics is stated as one of the most hyper-deflationary on the market. It has 20+ token price growth incentives. Some of them are listed below.
Reduction of circulation 8F:
20% of all the non-fiat revenue is used to buyback and burn 8F tokens 🔥
1% transaction fee - each 8F token transaction includes 1% fee that is being immediately burned
NFT Staking with a fixed min. yield of 30% to increase the period for 8F coins purchased in the Seed and Private Sale rounds to enter circulation
Stimulation of demand for 8F:
Our partners who want to attract users to their projects and increase their brand awareness (via Airdrops, Tournaments, Educational videos) should reward users for taking tasks with 8F tokens (and with their tokens if they wish)
To take part in special Tournaments with huge prize pools users will have to purchase tickets for 8F tokens and improve their snakes (spend 8F tokens for it) to increase their chances to win
NFT Staking. Users may wrap 8F tokens into NFTs to get access to NFT Staking with a fixed min. yield of 30%. If they want to unwrap 8F tokens, it will take them some time
8F Staking and Farming pools on our platform with good yields.
Users need 8F to buy unique items in the game’s Marketplace: skins, features, boosters
Snake evolution - to improve their snakes and earn even more tokens on the playing fields users have to spend 8F tokens
To become active members of the community and gain access to the closed chats, users must hold a certain amount of tokens in their wallets
8F is a governance token. To take part in votes users should have tokens, 1 token = 1 vote
Stimulating demand by market activity:
Partnerships with strong projects to hold events for them (Airdrops, Tournaments, Educational videos) and attract new users into their projects, increase their brands awareness. And reward our users who take part in their activities. Our partners pay for rewards, rewards in our 8F tokens and their tokens if they wish
Partnerships with non-crypto projects that may attract users and reward them with their certificates and promo-codes (and our tokens, of course). User targeting by region and other parameters will be available in 8F AI, this is attractive for our partners
Listings on the Top Centralized Exchanges
Trading competitions
Promotional staking events on CEXs
Active marketing campaigns (including outdoor)
Fair Referral system
Creating decentralized networks of local 8F AI communities under the leadership of our ambassadors
Regular Tournaments and Contests aiming to attracting new active users
Spreading 8F AI to other blockchains
Last updated